The dictatorship in Cuba has erected an internal blockade that prevents Cubans from producing food, and selling goods and services to each other. It has also blocked the Cuban diaspora from engaging in humanitarian efforts to directly provide assistance to Cubans in need. Significant percentages of monies sent in to Cuba are absorbed by military entities, and do not benefit everyday Cubans.
Firma la petición aquí.
Condenamos la decisión de la Asamblea General de la ONU de elegir al régimen totalitario de Cuba controlado por Castro como uno de los 47 estados miembros del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, para el período 2020-2022.
We condemn the UN General Assembly decision to elect Cuba's Castro regime to be one of the 47 member states on the UN Human Rights Council, for the 2020-2022 term.
From time to time the Center for a Free Cuba distributes petitions for circulation without initiating the campaign. You will find one of them below that is being circulated by Cultura Democrática, and is open requesting signatures.
Since 1989 the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has not been permitted to inspect conditions in Cuban prisons, although between 2002 and the present the ICRC visited detainees over 100 times at the United States Guantanamo Naval Base prison in eastern Cuba. Cuba is the only country in the Americas that Amnesty International, and other independent human rights monitors, cannot visit, and where independent human rights groups are considered illegal. [ Please read and sign petition here ]
We are very grateful about the preoccupation you have expressed about human rights, and are very aware of your present considerations-in-progress vis a vis U.S. policy toward Cuba. In that context, we wish to request, with utmost respect and from our deepest convictions, that you condition your administration’s Cuba policy to the following requirements: [ Please read and sign petition here ]
To Peter Maurer, President, International Committee of the Red Cross and five others:
The signatories, doctors concerned about the progressive deterioration of the health and potential death of 26 Cubans, promoters of human rights on the island, who have been on hunger strike since March 20. We address your organizations urging the immediate attention and intervention that these cases deserve.
From time to time the Center for a Free Cuba distributes petitions for circulation without being part of that campaign. You will find some of them in the links below:
Petition to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for an investigation into Oswaldo Payá's death by Carlos Payá of the Christian Liberation Movement .
From time to time the Center for a Free Cuba distributes petitions for circulation without being part of that campaign. You will find some of them in the links below:
No More Internal Blockade campaign by The Patmos Institute