From time to time the Center for a Free Cuba distributes petitions for circulation without initiating the campaign. You will find one of them below that is being circulated by Cultura Democrática, and is open requesting signatures.
Open Letter to American Airlines
February 16th, 2022
Mr. W. Douglas Parker
Chairman and CEO
American Airlines
According to your letter to the United Nations Secretary General, H.E. Antonio Guterres, dated February 15th, 2021, American Airlines adhered to the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
Unfortunately, only a year after you publicly assumed such a commitment, the company you represent has violated at least the 1st and 2nd principles when Ms. Anamely Ramos González, a Cuban citizen with passport J099251, was not allowed to board one of AA planes and travel from Miami to Havana.
By not allowing Ms. Ramos González to go back to her country of residence, your company’s officers violated article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, basically the right to freedom of movement. This rights is included in Principle 1 of the Global Compact stating: “Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights”.
At the same time, by following a protocol and orders by the migratory authorities of the totalitarian government of Cuba with no legal standing, you have violated Principle 2 of the Global Compact that states: “Business should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses”.
All this being said, we urge you to review not only the case of the mentioned Cuban historian for her to go back to her home in Cuba but we also ask you to reconsider your company’s commitment to human rights as a priority over any protocol or procedure.
Best regards,
Civil Rights Defenders, Confederación Obrera Nacional Independiente de Cuba, Cultura Democrática, Cubalex, DemoAmlat, Editorial Hypermedia, Fundación Ciudadanía y Desarrollo, Fundación para la Democracia Panamericana, Grupo Demóngeles, Human Rights Foundation, Instituto Patmos, Movimiento San Isidro, Mujeres Democristianas de Cuba, Mesa de Diálogo de la Juventud Cubana, Observatorio de Libertad Académica, Prisoners Defenders, Programa Cuba, Red Femenina de Cuba, Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia, RELLIC, Solidaridad de Trabajadores Cubanos, Un Mundo Sin Mordaza.